Our skill

Power plants

The energy shortage is omnipresent. Electricity prices are rising and, especially when it comes to renewable energies, the requirements and the corresponding technology are changing constantly. Whether in nuclear energy, when using fossil fuels or in the reverse electrolysis process to generate energy from hydrogen - the filter technology must be precisely adapted to all processes. HETA has been actively working on nuclear energy projects since 1995, and our components are installed in a number of reactors.

We have also been researching hydrogen electrolysis together with competent partners for a long time. We have already had some positive experiences here.

One step ahead

Challenges & solutions

The challenges cover almost infinite number of requirements and engineering conditions -from thermal cooling of the power plant due to the heat generated during the energy production, to the refining of media for catalytic converter technology. The scope of various filtrations as well as separation techniques is very versatile in order to be able to cope with a wide range of throughputs and phases.


Products for Power plants

KF/KFW - Cartridge Filter

Ultra-fine filter for depth and adsorption of liquids and gases.

Product details

HSA - Automatic filter

Fully automatic water filtration without interrupting the process (Bernoulli principle).

Product details

SKF - Sieve Basket Filter

Robust coarse filter for process filtration and to protect sensitive systems.

Product details

TA - Droplet separator

Separation of liquids and gases.

Product details