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Crude Oil Production

Crude oil, currently the most commonly used fossil energy source, is extracted both, onshore and offshore. Whether on huge platforms in the sea or on land, production has an extremely wide range of filtration and separation applications. The areas of application and products made from crude oil are diverse and despite all the renewable energy. You will never be able to completely do without crude oil. When you think of crude oil, you immediately think of gasoline, kerosene and diesel. But there is much more than that! Various plastics, such as PVC or PET cannot be produced without crude oil. Cosmetics, paints and artificial fertilizers are also products that are obtained from the “black gold”.


One step ahead

Challenges & Solutions

Countless products that are made of crude oil mean countless areas of application for filtration. Polymer melt filters reach temperatures of up to 300 °C at a pressure of up to 320 bar. Combining such design data with the known dead space flow is a very special process engineering challenge. Ammonia is present in crude oil, one of the basic medias for the chemical industry. It is highly abrasive and demands a lot from metal components due to corrosion. The systems have a high energy requirement and needs to be cooled down using sea water filters.


Products for Oil Production

SKF - Sieve Basket Filter

Robust coarse filter for process filtration and to protect sensitive systems.


KF/KFW - Cartridge filter

Ultra-fine filter for depth and adsorption of liquids and gases.

Product details

KS/KSH - Slot type filter // IL FILTER

Fully automatic non-stop filtration with low cleaning loss.

Product details

HSA - Automatic filter

Fully automatic water filtration without interrupting the process (Bernoulli principle).

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